Integrative Therapy is a highly effective approach used in the treatment of a wide variety of issues including:

  • Anxiety, Depression, Trauma
  • Health challenges
  • Relationships
  • Buisness

Integrative Therapy profoundly affects the way you experience every aspect of your personal and professional life.

Dr. Fern Kazlow, Ed.D. began developing Integrative Therapy in the 1970s.

In 1981, she founded Integrative Therapy in New York City. Overtime, Integrative Therapy evolved, incorporating psychotherapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, and other energetic therapies, producing greater health benefits and transformational change than any of the modalities alone. Dr. Kazlow found major improvement in treatment effectiveness and resolution of issues – whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual – when working with all these levels and their interaction to influence the individual.

Leading the Way in Mind-Body Healing

Since its inception, Integrative Therapy has been at the forefront of the mind-body health movement. Rooted in solid, foundations of psychology, Integrative Therapy teaches health practitioners how to consciously interact with quantum energy fields to create positive influences by the manner in which the practitioner focuses attention. Further, it provides the practitioner with holistic  tools and strategies to give their patients, so that they can influence their own growth and healing.

In 1983, Rush Johnson, joined Dr. Kazlow as co-director of Integrative Therapy. Together they have taught, led groups, and collaborated on treatment of a vast range of health, life issues and business issues. Integrative Therapy has provided individually designed programs including psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, energetic healing and acupuncture, or a blend of modalities to best meet the individual’s needs. Even when a patient’s treatment requires only a single therapeutic modality, the focus of Integrative Therapy has always been to address and integrate all levels of body, mind, and spirit.

Integrative Therapy is currently available for people interested in individual, couple, or family psychotherapy and/or acupuncture – with or without needles. It is effective on a range of symptoms from anxiety, depression, lack of focus, relationship problems, business and financial issues, poor self-esteem, sexual difficulties, pain, health and other life issues. Integrative Therapy works collaboratively with a network of practitioners including  chiropractors, nutritional counselors and physicians to effect healing and transformation.

Added Dimensions of Personal Growth

The Kazlow Method™ perspective, an extension of Integrative Therapy, increases the positive impact of this therapeutic fusion. In addition to the effects of the individual therapeutic modalities, individuals are given tools to increase self-healing, personal growth, and holistic success.

Rush Johnson, Lic. Ac.  has developed his own approach to acupuncture and healing, adding another dimension to the practice of acupuncture. Utilizing principles of the Kazlow Method, along with his personal therapeutic approach, he works in the quantum field to deepen the effectiveness of the acupuncture procedures.

This has led to enhanced results in achieving rejuvenation, and positive outcomes for:

  • Serious and chronic health problems
  • Muscular skeletal problems
  • Allergies
  • Fungus and Yeast

More than alleviating symptoms, Mr. Johnson strives to help individuals come into balance, energetically support their life desires, experience greater health, vitality, and regeneration.

Dr. Fern Kazlow, Ed.D. 

Dr. Kazlow is licensed to provide clinical psychotherapy in New York State, and works in person in New York City and Westchester as well as by phone.

In addition to training and supervising health professionals and educators globally in her methodology, she provides supervision in New York State for clinical psychotherapy.

Early in my work with Rush Johnson, we noticed patients had the most significant results when we looked at the relationship between their mental, emotional, and physical health,. When we understood their symptoms as a gateway to their foundational issues, and the need for an integrative approach, they experienced the strongest healing. And, they felt most able to take control of all aspects of their life and health.

Rush Johnson, Lic.Ac.

Mr. Johnson is a licensed acupuncturist and healer with over 30 years of experience in health care. He received his training at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute in Maryland before it was legal in New York for non-MDs or those trained outside of Asia to practice acupuncture in New York. He received one of the first New York acupuncture licenses granted to anyone trained in a school in the United States.

His deep involvement in meditation and spiritual studies since the mid-1970’s is the force that underlies Mr. Johnson’s healing proficiency. He began his career doing massage and shiatsu. In the 1980’s, New York Magazine named him one of the 10 Best Massage Therapists in New York. Receiving his degree in Five Element Acupuncture, he studied other acupuncture traditions and energetic modalities, and has trained and supervised practitioners in massage and energetic therapies.

Working with a range of modalities, these two highly experienced professionals achieved their commitment to bringing health and transformation to a higher and more effective level. Leveraging these collaborative achievements, Dr. Kazlow went on to create the No Doubt Zone™.