Interestingly, after New Year’s, a reel came on my FB feed predicting my life would be very different by February. While I couldn’t have predicted the ways, I’m watching this unfold.
Have you ever felt like you were wrecked, torn apart and not put back together yet?
I’ve often heard from my highly successful, seemingly unflappable clients that they have.
Today has been that kind of a day for me. It’s been that kind of week…but today it went to a deeper level, more raw, more painful, more calling forward decisions about how I was going to use an incident to grow in some areas that touch the core of who I am.
We’d like growth to be fun, easy, and feel like magic…Sometimes it is.
Often, it’s painful, grueling, heartbreaking, confusing…
Our responses vary – we might shut down or lash out – fight, flee, freeze, or fawn (try to please). Our old patterns surface strongly when challenged, yet here lies our opportunity to grow, to BE more of who we want to be – who we’ve committed to being. It can feel like we are at war with the world, others in our life, or even with ourselves.
The Resistance Paradox that I speak of so often is in full force. The feelings within us are strong. There is a battle within us between growing and holding on to who we’ve been, what feels like “us”. Our old identity is fighting for its life. We’re trying to protect ourselves from pain; we’re trying to survive, to be seen, heard, and loved. Our old self is grappling with the next iteration of us…and it can challenge us to our core.
While it may be tough to accept, we’ve co-created this opportunity to grow, raise our vibration, and unlock more of our potential.
Breathe, release, and allow the healing and growth to emerge…along with our upgraded self.
Perhaps, even welcome it.
If you’re in this space of profound transformation – where growth feels more like breaking open than gentle evolution – know you’re not alone. This is often where the deepest breakthroughs emerge.
If you’re feeling called to explore how to navigate these gateway moments with power and purpose, let’s talk about what’s possible.