
High Achievers: Who Else Has Been Labelled Difficult

High Achievers – outliers, trailblazers, innovators – are often labeled “difficult.” Too intense, too demanding, too argumentative, too dismissive of others.

The very qualities that make us “difficult” are often the same ones that drive our greatest contributions. [...]

2025-01-21T11:39:00-05:00Categories: Discernment, Growth, Power Drivers|Comments Off on High Achievers: Who Else Has Been Labelled Difficult

A Prediction Unfolds in a Surprising Way

Interestingly, after New Year's, a reel came on my FB feed predicting my life would be very different by February. While I couldn't have predicted the ways, I'm watching this unfold.

Have you ever felt like you were wrecked, torn apart and not put back together yet?

I've often heard from my highly successful, seemingly unflappable clients that they have. [...]

2025-01-17T11:01:56-05:00Categories: Discernment, Empowerment, Growth, Resistance|Comments Off on A Prediction Unfolds in a Surprising Way

The Litmus Test Question: When Yes Creates More Questions

A question came up about my recent post on the Litmus Test Question - What do you do when multiple opportunities pass the test?

It seems simple: getting a 'yes' from the Litmus Test Question should make decisions clear. But what happens when an opportunity aligns with your purpose yet your plate is already full? This challenge frequently faces high achievers, particularly entrepreneurs. [...]

2025-01-16T15:51:50-05:00Categories: Discernment, Empowerment, Growth|Comments Off on The Litmus Test Question: When Yes Creates More Questions
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