This morning, a good friend told me that he thought women were going crazy (not his exact words, but using his far more colorful words could out his identity LOL).
About to deny it, I took a step back, I thought about conversations I was having with patients, clients, colleagues, and friends. I thought about the state of the world and what I’ve been hearing and reading about …posts about purging, ascension, jumping timelines, and other things that were previously only the domain of the “woo.”
So… I want to start some conversations here about all this.
I don’t think it’s just women, and I don’t think it’s crazy…but I admit it could pass for it. The world is going through an intense time – division, fires, hurricanes, economic stress, and war hovering on the horizon. There is lots of fear, anger, and grief…along with hope and optimism about what lies ahead after these tough times. While I see both men and women being affected, the truth is, as a generalization, women tend to pick up, react more, and are more conscious of the vibrations of these emotions.
Why women?
It stems from their innate wiring, the trauma they’ve personally experienced alongside generational trauma passed through DNA, their natural connectedness, and a culture that both accepts, expects, and triggers these responses And, while it may be tough to experience, as well as to deal with ourselves and in others, it isn’t bad. In fact, this intensity serves a purpose.
We are getting opportunities to go deeper and clean out old patterns – if we choose to take them. This is a plus not only for the person experiencing it, but for the impact they have in their personal and professional lives, and for the world around us. This individual work has collective impact.
We are at a pivot point.
It is clear to me that if we don’t do this inner work, clear out our old patterns, raise our vibration, and do the soul work we have come to this lifetime to do, the world around us will be in a dire situation. Yet, if enough of us do this deep inner work, while there will still be tough times, ultimately we will raise the consciousness of the planet and the world will be a better place.
What patterns are you noticing emerge during these intense times?
What’s calling to be cleared?