A question came up about my recent post on the Litmus Test Question – What do you do when multiple opportunities pass the test?
It seems simple: getting a ‘yes’ from the Litmus Test Question should make decisions clear. But what happens when an opportunity aligns with your purpose yet your plate is already full? This challenge frequently faces high achievers, particularly entrepreneurs.
Many dismiss this as simply “Shiny Object Syndrome,” but it goes deeper. It relates to the very core of the entrepreneurial personality – that innate ability to see and want to create possibilities. (Interestingly, many entrepreneurs I’ve worked with share stories of this showing up by age 7 or 8, launching their first ventures on playgrounds and in neighborhoods.)
When multiple opportunities align with who you want to be and what you’re here to do, the question becomes about discernment:
- Which opportunity creates the strongest alignment and flow?
- What brings you the most joy?
- What are you feeling called to right now?
- What timing feels most right for each possibility?
- How might you create space for what truly matters?
- Could systems, automation, or additional support free you for new ventures?
The key is combining thoughtful analysis with intuitive knowing. While being strategic about resources and timing, stay connected to your gut feeling. Often your deepest wisdom already knows which opportunity wants to emerge now.
How do you choose between exciting possibilities that align with your purpose when capacity is limited? What strategies have you found most helpful?