I have a question I’ve asked myself for years. I call it my Litmus Test question; it helps me make decisions and track what I’m doing – and who I’m being– every single day.
I’ve shared it with my patients, clients, and students as well as on my website, in posts, and when I speak.
This question powerfully guides how I live my life. It challenges me to embody my true power, live my potential, and connect most deeply with who I am and who I want to BE…. bottom line – to consciously, intentionally, and meaningfully create my life.**
It’s not easy to stay consistent in asking and even more challenging to follow where the answer leads. Honestly, I don’t always ask or follow through. Trauma, wiring, transference, disconnection, resistance – our Power Drivers – are huge factors in how we ask, answer, and follow through with this.
I’ve committed to live by this more fully this year.
I’d love you to join me! I promise if you do it consistently – being present, coming from love, and being discerning (not judgmental), it will change your life. And if enough of us do it, it will change the world.
So here is the question: Does this thought, feeling, belief, or action bring me closer or further from who I truly am, who I want to be, and what I’m here to do.
This doesn’t mean suppressing your thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. Acknowledge them, garner information from them, heal and learn to release the ones that don’t serve you, and nurture the ones that do.
Actions, whether they are for a small project, a favor for a friend, your health, or your life purpose, need to be in alignment. If not, don’t do it!
This one question – when you work with it consistently – can change everything. Ready to create this powerful shift?
Let me know if you’re in!