Letting Go

It Never Gets Easier

Me: It never gets easier. Caroline: Maybe it’s not supposed to. Me: Maybe it’s not. This was our third dog to pass in a little over a year. Our preceding generation is gone. Nixon, my older daughter’s 13-year-old pit mix, Maya, our almost 17-year-old poodle a few months ago, and now Esme. None of the dogs we have now knew the generation before them. It’s been a lot… Last week, I was at Suzanne [...]

2024-07-12T15:10:26-05:00Categories: Change, Growth, Letting Go, Relationships|Comments Off on It Never Gets Easier

Letting go

“Just let it go?” “Don’t be afraid?” Or the dentist, with drill in hand says “Relax.” The obvious question is: How do I do it? You want to let go of fear, depression, weak thoughts or stressful situations … yet, it seems like you can’t. You remain lost in the swirl of feelings, the bad times keep coming, and you cannot find a way to well being. Why we resist letting go A less obvious [...]

2023-03-13T14:09:18-05:00Categories: Letting Go|Comments Off on Letting go
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