When we were kids, my brother and I fought… hard. And, as my parents wouldn’t allow knee drops, when we couldn’t convince each other of our opinions or who was “right”, we would pull out our ultimate weapon…we’d call out Mental Block. And it was imperative to be the first to say it.
What did it mean: I can’t hear you, I can’t see you, what you’re saying has no effect on me…you don’t even exist.
Luckily, we both matured and have a strong bond. While we still have many differing opinions – some quite significant – we have learned to build bridges, find commonality, and help each other be the best we can be in the face of life’s challenges.
Not to say we haven’t had rocky times in our relationship. We have. But love, connection, understanding…ultimately, who we want to be and the relationship we want to have, prevailed.
Today, I see far too many people embracing a silent ‘Mental Block’ in the face of what we all want – to be seen, heard, and to matter. Sadly, it goes further. We’re trying to silence, decimate, and even destroy those we disagree with.
High Achievers, we’re the changemakers…Yes, advocate for what you believe. But build bridges, don’t burn them.
There are high achievers on both sides of the great divide we’re living. And, most mean well. Our wiring, trauma, and life experiences determine what we see…the trances we live in and promote.
Our leadership is more important now than ever! We are at a gateway… and this is a pivotal time. We can break through our trances and stop living reactively, raise our consciousness, and create a far better world, or we can create a world that is a very dark place to live in.
A note on discernment: This isn’t about engaging with hate or division. It’s about being the change we want to create in the world. As changemakers, our influence ripples outward in ways we may not even see.
How are you choosing to respond in times of division? Where do you see opportunities to build bridges rather than walls?