
High Achiever Sensitivity in a Turbulent World

Many high achievers who are sensitive are experiencing anxiety, stress, and overwhelm as they pick up the powerful energies around them, including fear, fury, and hopelessness. I'm one of them, picking up those intense feelings, and sensing shifts and events often before they happen (even from afar). Regulating our nervous system is crucial now - and quite a challenge.

Earlier this month, I shared that while I often choose one word or focus, this year I decided on three perspectives: Trust, Curiosity, and Wonder. [...]

2025-01-24T11:33:54-05:00Categories: Anxiety, Empowerment, Trances|0 Comments

Mental Block: From Childhood Game to Social Crisis

When we were kids, my brother and I fought… hard. And, as my parents wouldn't allow knee drops, when we couldn't convince each other of our opinions or who was “right”, we would pull out our ultimate weapon...we'd call out Mental Block. And it was imperative to be the first to say it.

What did it mean: I can't hear you, I can't see you, what you're saying has no effect on me…you don't even exist.

2025-01-23T11:32:19-05:00Categories: Change, Leadership, Trances|0 Comments

How I Almost Got Arrested and Learned Even More About Being Stuck

I was involved in a fender bender. Well, not exactly a fender bender but a side door scraper. Everyone was OK. And, mostly, everyone was kind. An officer came quickly to document the incident and see if we needed assistance. I drive a lot and I’ve been blessed that I’ve been involved in only a few minor accidents over many years of being on the roads in the US, Europe, and the terrifying roads of Vietnam. But, this time, I didn’t have my insurance card in my car.

2023-03-13T14:09:05-05:00Categories: Feeling Stuck, The 1%, Trances|Comments Off on How I Almost Got Arrested and Learned Even More About Being Stuck

Beware the Ides of March

March has been a challenging month here. We've had four Nor’easters, no power for 9 days, and no internet for 14 days. We finally got power back. Yay! This month’s events really spoke to me about taking control when we can, and when things are clearly out of our control, as in the weather, controlling how we respond to them. [...]

2023-03-13T14:09:05-05:00Categories: Trances|Comments Off on Beware the Ides of March

Family Trances and the Habit of Holding Yourself Back

Holding yourself back is a learned behavior that often becomes a habit, and may come from one or both parents. It is built on, and perpetuated by, related attitudes and behaviors. In addition to the learned behaviors, there may be inherited traits that support it as well. You may be more pessimistic, have less vibrant health or stamina, or be more introverted. [...]

2018-03-15T15:12:33-05:00Categories: Feeling Stuck, Relationships, Trances|Comments Off on Family Trances and the Habit of Holding Yourself Back
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