Mental Health

The Hidden Price of Being Different: A High Achiever’s Reality

We often celebrate being different - being trailblazers, outliers, seeing possibilities others miss. In many ways, this distinct way of thinking, feeling, and creating drives our success and impact.

Yet there's a profound paradox at play. These very qualities that set us apart and fuel our success and breakthroughs also create unique challenges that ripple through every aspect of our lives, the lives of those around us, and the world at large. [...]

2025-01-18T14:22:20-05:00Categories: Health, Mental Health, Resistance|Comments Off on The Hidden Price of Being Different: A High Achiever’s Reality

PSA More on Triggers: Is it The Purge?

This morning, a good friend told me that he thought women were going crazy (not his exact words, but using his far more colorful words could out his identity LOL).

About to deny it, I took a step back, I thought about conversations I was having with patients, clients, colleagues, and friends. I thought about the state of the world and what I've been hearing and reading about …posts about purging, ascension, jumping timelines, and other things that were previously only the domain of the "woo.” [...]

2025-01-16T15:55:11-05:00Categories: Anxiety, Change, Empowerment, Mental Health|Comments Off on PSA More on Triggers: Is it The Purge?

Another Powerful Woman – A Less Obvious Gift

Today, I want to share the story of another powerful women in my life. A post less fun, but at least as important, to share.
 Yesterday, I posted about my Aunt Luella – a trailblazer, a role model, who makes me smile and inspires me to this day. 
 It was a wonderful trip down memory lane and it sparked fun conversations. It also triggered some more difficult ones...comments publicly and privately saying "I [...]

2024-03-12T15:31:28-05:00Categories: Authenticity, Being Different, Mental Health, Relationships|Comments Off on Another Powerful Woman – A Less Obvious Gift

How to move on after a friendship breakup

No one is perfect, including you, but that doesn’t mean you should beat yourself up over what went wrong. Dr. Fern Kazlow explains, “While it’s valuable to take responsibility for your part in the breakup, don’t create a story that gets you stuck or portrays you in a way that diminishes you.” [...]

2023-04-19T09:50:23-05:00Categories: Mental Health, Relationships|Comments Off on How to move on after a friendship breakup

Does Adam Frisella’s 75 Hard Program for Mental Toughness Work

It’s not a healthy approach to boosting mental toughness and actually supports a misunderstanding of what mental toughness is, says Fern Kazlow, EdD, LCSW, a psychotherapist in New York City who focuses on helping individuals and entrepreneurs with performance and personal growth.

2023-04-04T13:05:46-05:00Categories: Health, Mental Health, Power Drivers|Comments Off on Does Adam Frisella’s 75 Hard Program for Mental Toughness Work
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