
High Achiever Sensitivity in a Turbulent World

Many high achievers who are sensitive are experiencing anxiety, stress, and overwhelm as they pick up the powerful energies around them, including fear, fury, and hopelessness. I'm one of them, picking up those intense feelings, and sensing shifts and events often before they happen (even from afar). Regulating our nervous system is crucial now - and quite a challenge.

Earlier this month, I shared that while I often choose one word or focus, this year I decided on three perspectives: Trust, Curiosity, and Wonder. [...]

2025-01-24T11:33:54-05:00Categories: Anxiety, Empowerment, Trances|Comments Off on High Achiever Sensitivity in a Turbulent World

The Power of Hidden Truths Emerging

For decades, high achievers have shared their feelings and experiences with me privately – in therapy and mentoring sessions, behind closed doors. Now, as I bring these conversations beyond individual and group sessions into the open, something extraordinary is beginning to unfold.

As these hidden patterns are acknowledged publicly, it creates permission for collective recognition and healing. The energy locked in private struggles begins to transform into creative power. [...]

2025-01-23T11:31:15-05:00Categories: Empowerment, Growth, Power Drivers|Comments Off on The Power of Hidden Truths Emerging

A Prediction Unfolds in a Surprising Way

Interestingly, after New Year's, a reel came on my FB feed predicting my life would be very different by February. While I couldn't have predicted the ways, I'm watching this unfold.

Have you ever felt like you were wrecked, torn apart and not put back together yet?

I've often heard from my highly successful, seemingly unflappable clients that they have. [...]

2025-01-17T11:01:56-05:00Categories: Discernment, Empowerment, Growth, Resistance|Comments Off on A Prediction Unfolds in a Surprising Way

The Litmus Test Question: When Yes Creates More Questions

A question came up about my recent post on the Litmus Test Question - What do you do when multiple opportunities pass the test?

It seems simple: getting a 'yes' from the Litmus Test Question should make decisions clear. But what happens when an opportunity aligns with your purpose yet your plate is already full? This challenge frequently faces high achievers, particularly entrepreneurs. [...]

2025-01-16T15:51:50-05:00Categories: Discernment, Empowerment, Growth|Comments Off on The Litmus Test Question: When Yes Creates More Questions

A Hidden Challenge to High Achiever Authenticity

Authenticity is a word that has been overused, misused, and used as a tactic.

Yet, that doesn't make it less important or discount the value of being truly authentic. I could (and will in other posts) discuss the impact of authenticity – and the lack of it – on business, relationships, health, and well-being. [...]

2025-01-16T15:51:40-05:00Categories: Authenticity, Empowerment, Growth|Comments Off on A Hidden Challenge to High Achiever Authenticity

Peacemaker… or not?

What we call 'peacemaking' often isn't. Whether examining our own behavior or observing others labeled as peacemakers, what looks like building peace might actually be conflict avoidance in disguise.

Many self-proclaimed peacemakers – and those we admire as peacemakers – are actually conflict avoiders. They're not building bridges of connection and understanding; they're simply trying not to make waves. And most don't realize it. [...]

2025-01-16T15:53:44-05:00Categories: Coaching, Conflict, Empowerment, Triggers|Comments Off on Peacemaker… or not?

Will you join me?

I have a question I've asked myself for years. I call it my Litmus Test question; it helps me make decisions and track what I'm doing – and who I'm being–  every single day.

I've shared it with my patients, clients, and students as well as on my website, in posts, and when I speak. [...]

2025-01-16T15:53:09-05:00Categories: Empowerment, Growth, Power Drivers|Comments Off on Will you join me?

PSA More on Triggers: Is it The Purge?

This morning, a good friend told me that he thought women were going crazy (not his exact words, but using his far more colorful words could out his identity LOL).

About to deny it, I took a step back, I thought about conversations I was having with patients, clients, colleagues, and friends. I thought about the state of the world and what I've been hearing and reading about …posts about purging, ascension, jumping timelines, and other things that were previously only the domain of the "woo.” [...]

2025-01-16T15:55:11-05:00Categories: Anxiety, Change, Empowerment, Mental Health|Comments Off on PSA More on Triggers: Is it The Purge?

The Unique Challenges and Impact of High Achievers in 2025

Most approaches to high achievement focus on information or, at best, transformation - though often falling short of that goal. Change is often superficial or short-lived, simply masquerading as transformation. While information and transformation are valuable and may be stepping stones, accessing radical creativity, courage, and infinite possibilities requires transmutation. This isn't just changing structure (as in transformation) - it's operating at the core of what is - true alchemy. This isn't just about [...]

2025-01-06T15:19:24-05:00Categories: Change, Empowerment, Growth|Comments Off on The Unique Challenges and Impact of High Achievers in 2025

What’s calling you forward in 2025

So…2024 was quite a year for many of us. For me, it was filled with profound health and personal challenges. Physical limitations from an old injury intensified, literally stopping my movement  -  it felt like it was both creating and reflecting my inner state. As the year ended, I knew that something was shifting. Clarity emerged through the difficulties, bringing into sharp focus what matters most, and a path forward. 2025 is a pivotal [...]

2025-01-06T15:14:43-05:00Categories: Empowerment, Growth|Comments Off on What’s calling you forward in 2025
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