Dr. K’s Blog2023-03-13T15:03:34-05:00

Welcome to Dr. K’s Blog

This is the place where you’ll find information, wisdom and gain perspective on how to master the Hidden Powers Drivers that can shatter limitations and propel you to your greatest levels of success.

We’ll look at business, marketing, leadership, psychology, peak performance, personal growth, and mind-body health, and how it all works together to help you operate at peak performance more consistently in your business and personal life.

We’ll be providing new and expanded insights and strategies to help you see through the lens of your True Power State and reach your next levels of impact and success.

Choosing Peace in the Face of Terrorism

After the terror attacks of 9/11, Mike suffered from severe anxiety. He lost a friend in the terrorist attacks and saw havoc created in his friend’s family. Despite good diet and exercise, stress has kept Mike from sleeping and contributed to high blood pressure. Mike was driving his family nuts, as he tried to “make sure they are safe” — including keeping them from going to Manhattan unless absolutely necessary. Janice, a generally optimistic, easy-going person, has been experiencing mild anxiety and depression lately. She just hasn’t been herself with no conscious explanation. Yet, when asked if she was concerned about the terrorist threat, spoke of her fears of harm to herself and loved ones, as well as fear of financial consequences. Others, such as Lois, are experiencing no noticeable effects of terrorism or its related energy patterns — the “energetic” — around us. Yet we are all affected to [...]

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Symptoms: A Sign You’re Up To Something Big

Symptoms: back pain, chest pain, cramps, hot flashes, difficulties on the job, unsuccessful romantic relationships — indications of a disease, a disorder, an “issue.” Or are they something more, something deeper? Every symptom reflects a disconnection from ourselves, our community, our Source. Each is a way of saying something is wrong … pay attention! A symptom is an opportunity, a call to action. It’s a signal that you are up to something — maybe even something big. However, the symptom is not the actual problem; it’s only a sign. The nature of the symptom is the result of a confluence of factors, from genetics to environment to unconscious triggers. It rarely, if ever, is the root of the difficulty. In fact, while the symptom gets your attention, it usually directs you away from the real issue — protecting the tender soft spot in you that is afraid to change. For [...]

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Genetics & Illness: Truth & Myths

I started writing this article while accompanying my cousin for a breast biopsy— her second. As I waited, and wrote, I listened to the anxious, fearful men and women in the waiting room. My cousin was frightened, and, while all indicators looked good that it was “nothing serious,” the doctor said “we have to check just in case.” I wasn’t all that comfortable myself. After all, almost everyone in my mother’s family had died of cancer: my grandmother, her 8 brothers and sisters, my grandfather, my 42-year-old cousin, my mother’s sister— my much-loved aunt (at age 64 of pancreatic cancer) — my cousin’s mother. And so, as I sat there waiting for my cousin, I worked with some of my Integrative Action™ principles and tools. As long as I can remember, my cousin and I had heard about our family legacy and how vigilant we must be. We filled out [...]

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