Welcome to Dr. K’s Blog
This is the place where you’ll find information, wisdom and gain perspective on how to master the Hidden Powers Drivers that can shatter limitations and propel you to your greatest levels of success.
We’ll look at business, marketing, leadership, psychology, peak performance, personal growth, and mind-body health, and how it all works together to help you operate at peak performance more consistently in your business and personal life.
We’ll be providing new and expanded insights and strategies to help you see through the lens of your True Power State and reach your next levels of impact and success.
Look Deeper
Sometimes it looks like the opposite of what is truly happening! Look deeper, stay open to greater possibilities... There were so many times in my life (and that of my patients and clients) that it looked like doors were closing. Sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't... either way, something wonderful was coming and I couldn't see it yet. Message me, I'd love to hear if this resonates and any stories you'd like to share! Dr. K P.S. I'd love to hear if this resonates and any stories you'd like to share!
Do You Hide Out on Social Media (or Life)?
I just attended a Zoom on going viral on social media taught by my good friend Haley Gray (Yes, she really is a friend – this isn’t marketing-speak). The meeting was chock full of great info! Haley knows what she’s talking about and shares generously…with no BS. She is part of my closest circle of go-tos! There was someone who attended as “iPad”. When "iPad" asked Haley a question, both Haley and I (I can’t speak for anyone else there) felt that something was off. If you have a business you want to grow, make sure you’re aligned with it….and show up! No photo, no name…isn’t going to work to build a business that requires connection and trust - especially on social media. Truly…what business doesn’t require those things… And, if you’re thinking, I would never do that, how do you hide out? I'd love it if you’d share [...]
Has the Universe ever answered your request…and you almost missed it?
Have you ever had a moment when you realized that the universe answered your request, your prayers, in an unexpected way? I had an eye-opening ah-ha recently. It made me laugh... at myself. After I found the cancer in my breast, I did a lot of soul-searching. I was clear that I needed to focus on the core of my work and how to have the greatest impact. And, I decided that I was going to follow my inner guidance... whenever I received it. A few weeks after surgery, I got the guidance to bring my work to women and their families facing breast cancer at every stage of their journey – including the fear of breast cancer if they don't have it (especially if they have the BRCA or other genetic mutation). People started showing up sharing their stories, telling me I needed to do it, and offering [...]
It Never Gets Easier
Me: It never gets easier. Caroline: Maybe it’s not supposed to. Me: Maybe it’s not. This was our third dog to pass in a little over a year. Our preceding generation is gone. Nixon, my older daughter’s 13-year-old pit mix, Maya, our almost 17-year-old poodle a few months ago, and now Esme. None of the dogs we have now knew the generation before them. It’s been a lot… Last week, I was at Suzanne Clothier's special week-long training for dog trainers. Esme, my barely 3-pound dog was with me. Nearing the end of her time here, I was blessed to be around kindred souls, dog people... people who get it. It wasn’t a surprise that Esme’s time was nearing the end. While she wasn’t old (just shy of 10), she was tiny and had big health challenges. Many close calls. I felt like the girl who cried wolf as [...]
One of My Favorite Humans Passed
Saturday, one of my favorite people died. He wasn’t a close friend, but he was special to me. Yesterday, the dog world mourned his passing. Kaz Hosaka was the epitome of the quote: “People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou Kaz was a great dog handler. The bond between him and the dogs he showed was clear for the world to see. Kaz showed at Westminster (the Super Bowl of the dog world) for the first time in 1980. He showed some of my favorite dogs (2 to Best in Show at Westminster, too many major wins to count). I’ve gone to Westminster almost every year since I was 18 (I missed a few years when I had a job, the year of my accident, and this year). I always looked for [...]
Way Beyond What I Envisioned
I appreciate all the support I've gotten for my healing...and working in the breast cancer arena. I've got to say I'm blown away! This is needed, and it's resonating with so many of you. What's in the works is way beyond what I envisioned when I posted about my breast cancer journey and the group I was starting. People are asking if I'm changing direction away from working with high-achieving entrepreneurs and their businesses and marketing. Am I still going to do the advanced coach certification? I'm still working with entrepreneurs, their businesses – and every area of their lives. And, I'm still going to offer the program for coaches. But this is an arena I'm feeling compelled to make a difference in – especially for high-achieving women and their families. While there will be some breast cancer-specific info here, most of what I post here will be from [...]