
Has the Universe ever answered your request…and you almost missed it?

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that the universe answered your request, your prayers, in an unexpected way? I had an eye-opening ah-ha recently. It made me laugh... at myself. After I found the cancer in my breast, I did a lot of soul-searching. I was clear that I needed to focus on the core of my work and how to have the greatest impact. And, I decided that I was [...]

2024-07-12T12:46:14-05:00Categories: Empowerment, Gratitude, Growth|Comments Off on Has the Universe ever answered your request…and you almost missed it?

Breast Cancer: A Journey of Empowerment

This was one of those blog posts that took a while to decide to write. Should I even share this on my site, talk about it publicly... there were many layers to the decision. I'm doing a group I never thought I'd offer: A group for women who want to make their breast cancer journey one of empowerment and unlocking potential. The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer is 1 in 7 (1 [...]

2024-04-16T11:03:11-05:00Categories: Breast Cancer, Empowerment, Health|Comments Off on Breast Cancer: A Journey of Empowerment
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