
Has the Universe ever answered your request…and you almost missed it?

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that the universe answered your request, your prayers, in an unexpected way? I had an eye-opening ah-ha recently. It made me laugh... at myself. After I found the cancer in my breast, I did a lot of soul-searching. I was clear that I needed to focus on the core of my work and how to have the greatest impact. And, I decided that I was [...]

2024-07-12T12:46:14-05:00Categories: Empowerment, Gratitude, Growth|Comments Off on Has the Universe ever answered your request…and you almost missed it?

It Never Gets Easier

Me: It never gets easier. Caroline: Maybe it’s not supposed to. Me: Maybe it’s not. This was our third dog to pass in a little over a year. Our preceding generation is gone. Nixon, my older daughter’s 13-year-old pit mix, Maya, our almost 17-year-old poodle a few months ago, and now Esme. None of the dogs we have now knew the generation before them. It’s been a lot… Last week, I was at Suzanne [...]

2024-07-12T15:10:26-05:00Categories: Change, Growth, Letting Go, Relationships|Comments Off on It Never Gets Easier

Way Beyond What I Envisioned

I appreciate all the support I've gotten for my healing...and working in the breast cancer arena. I've got to say I'm blown away! This is needed, and it's resonating with so many of you. What's in the works is way beyond what I envisioned when I posted about my breast cancer journey and the group I was starting. People are asking if I'm changing direction away from working with high-achieving entrepreneurs and their businesses [...]

2024-06-20T14:10:09-05:00Categories: Breast Cancer, Gratitude, Growth, Health|Comments Off on Way Beyond What I Envisioned

8 Ways to REALLY Have Authenticity in Your Company in Q1

I was interviewed by on Linkedin by Aaron Schmookler: 8 Ways to REALLY Have Authenticity in Your Company in Q1. Great info for Q1 or anytime.

2024-03-12T15:31:38-05:00Categories: Authenticity, Coaching, Growth|Comments Off on 8 Ways to REALLY Have Authenticity in Your Company in Q1

On this International Women’s Day

On this International Women's Day, I want to thank my grandmother's sister, my Aunt Luella. She was a woman of adventure, the first in our family to be a "career women." The only female in a family of 11 children to forge a different of her own choosing.
 Her life was beyond glamorous to me. Aunt Luella traveled the world, often venturing out on her own in exotic places. She was daring, sneaking [...]

2024-03-12T15:31:07-05:00Categories: Growth, Relationships|Comments Off on On this International Women’s Day

We All Run a Media Company. Here’s How to Do It Effectively.

"While dealing with bullies and trolls can be difficult, you get to choose how you react, the meaning you give these situations, and whether you let them derail you. This can sometimes be traumatic, but working through these challenges provides an opportunity to become stronger, more resilient, and ultimately, more successful," [...]

2023-04-04T12:59:14-05:00Categories: Growth, Power Drivers|Comments Off on We All Run a Media Company. Here’s How to Do It Effectively.

How to Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone to Grow Both Personally and Professionally

It feels most comfortable to stick with what we are familiar with. But anyone who has achieved great success will tell you that true growth comes from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. What are some ways that influential people have pushed themselves out of their comfort zone [...]

2023-04-04T12:56:48-05:00Categories: Feeling Stuck, Growth, Power Drivers|Comments Off on How to Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone to Grow Both Personally and Professionally

What’s It Take To Jump From High Performer To Super Performer?

 Recently I was on TheInquisitor Podcast with Marcus Cauchi discussing what it takes to jump from High Performer to Super Performer. We dug into mindset, beliefs, behavior, and what I call the #ResistanceParadox which I believe holds the real gold of super performance. "Grab a pen and notebook. And please share this with someone who has unmet potential." You can also listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Listennotes.  

2023-03-13T14:09:00-05:00Categories: Growth, Podcast, Power Drivers|Comments Off on What’s It Take To Jump From High Performer To Super Performer?

Teaching People to Master Their Power Drivers with a Book

I was recently interviewed by Rob Kosberg on Publish. Promote. Profit. It was a great experience! We talked about how to operate at peak performance by accessing your power drivers. Here are just a few of the topics we covered: What Power drivers are and how they determine our state and what we create. How the paradox of Resistance can either hold you back or catapult you to unimagined success. How willingness is [...]

2023-03-13T14:09:01-05:00Categories: Coaching, Growth, Podcast, Power Drivers|Comments Off on Teaching People to Master Their Power Drivers with a Book

Coaching the Client in Front of You with Dr. K.

Dr. Fern Kazlow talks to host Mandi Ellefson about innovative ways to scale your business and the importance of choosing a mentor that fits your current business needs. Dr. K is a clinical psychotherapist, a business strategist and a mentor who works with entrepreneurs, actors and highly driven people. While, most mentors teach you that being a high performer means you need to push harder and use willpower. But Dr. K. teaches paradox resistance, which [...]

2023-03-15T09:12:26-05:00Categories: Coaching, Growth, Podcast|Comments Off on Coaching the Client in Front of You with Dr. K.
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