Dr. K’s Blog2023-03-13T15:03:34-05:00

Welcome to Dr. K’s Blog

This is the place where you’ll find information, wisdom and gain perspective on how to master the Hidden Powers Drivers that can shatter limitations and propel you to your greatest levels of success.

We’ll look at business, marketing, leadership, psychology, peak performance, personal growth, and mind-body health, and how it all works together to help you operate at peak performance more consistently in your business and personal life.

We’ll be providing new and expanded insights and strategies to help you see through the lens of your True Power State and reach your next levels of impact and success.

Mastering the Art of Change

What if someone gave you the principles, the process and the energetic tools to create the life you want — quickly, easily and painlessly? Hard to believe? That’s because we don’t understand the nature of change and how conscious and non-conscious energetic patterns create our lives. To master change, we must alter our relationship to change, embrace its paradoxes, and align our energetic field to support us. Change — from early childhood, we often desire to have and to be something different from who and what we are, something more and better. But how often have you dedicated time, money and hope only to find yourself repeating old patterns. Yet, the more we try to change things, the more they stay the same, or become more deeply entrenched. Like a magnet, we attract what we are looking to avoid, while what we seek eludes us. Let’s take Karen, an attractive, [...]

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Letting go

“Just let it go?” “Don’t be afraid?” Or the dentist, with drill in hand says “Relax.” The obvious question is: How do I do it? You want to let go of fear, depression, weak thoughts or stressful situations … yet, it seems like you can’t. You remain lost in the swirl of feelings, the bad times keep coming, and you cannot find a way to well being. Why we resist letting go A less obvious question is: why are we so hesitant to let go. The very idea of letting go may bring feelings of dread or even touch off a cycle of full-blown fear. Sometimes we think that by letting go, we will enter The Void. It’s not simply fear that we won’t get what we want, but a sense that we will lose something essential, although we are not even sure what. Letting go seems like an acceptance [...]

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Holiday Trances

For Beth, like many of us, the holidays are a mix of emotions. While she looks forward to the holiday cheer, parties, and gift giving, she dreads the family gatherings. They bring out her feelings of difference and even inadequacy compared to and fostered by her relatives. Unlike her sisters and female cousins, Beth has chosen to forego having children, and she has a career that keeps her constantly on the go. In addition to the emotional roller coaster that the holidays often seem to evoke, they can also trigger trance states in many of us where we get “lost” in a feeling or memory. Some trances are a pleasant daydream of childhood holidays, complete with details like the smell of turkey and pumpkin pie, while others are uncomfortable experiences during which we identify with our negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Trances involve a narrowing, fixating of attention and a [...]

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Getting Beyond Conflict

Enjoy the love, power, freedom and sense of purpose of being yourself Don was having a problem with a co-worker named Jim. Jim, who was new to the company, feared his more established colleague, Don, might try to harm his relationship with the boss. He also thought that Don might do things to serve himself at Jim’s expense, ultimately interfering with the promotion he dreamed of. Feeling insecure, Jim looked at Don as a main character in his personal story about the way the world worked. He accused Don of characteristics that might better describe himself: hostile, dishonest, disloyal, deceitful and definitely not a team player. Jim shared his negative opinions of Don freely with quite a few people including their boss. Eventually, he confronted Don himself. Initially, Don was surprised, as he had always spoken well of Jim and had been in his corner. He had fully intended to [...]

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Weight Loss that Works

Most of us have learned the best ways NOT to lose weight and keep it off. Can you imagine maintaining your desired weight — without pills, hypnosis, difficult diets, or excessive exercise? When you understand how the basic principles of change, energetic testing and recalibration apply to weight loss, it becomes simple, easy, and natural. Talk to people dieting or those who have lost weight only to regain it, and you’ll find they are likely to be judgmental — towards themselves and others, their bodies, and their ability to stick to diet and exercise programs. Often they obsess about their weight and appearance, paying little attention to the messages their body is giving them. Like it or not, weight follows the same principles of transformation as the rest of our lives. If we aren’t in alignment with these principles we won’t be able to lose weight, look, or feel the [...]

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Going from Pain to Pleasure

Hold your attention on what you want to create Sad but true: for many us, much of our lives are spent dealing with pain and trying to get rid of it. There’s pain in every sphere of experience — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually — but rather than being a beacon that helps steer us clear of suffering, pain often seems to be a powerful magnet that draws even more suffering our way. Many of us find ourselves in a weak position relating to health and a victim to pain. We focus on the elimination of pain as if that’s the magic key to health and happiness. But it’s clearly not. Often our common methods of relieving pain are temporary patches at best. Certainly, we should be practical and seek to relieve our pains with effective methods, and we can use whatever works best for us at the time. But, [...]

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