Dr. K’s Blog2025-01-16T15:49:11-05:00

Welcome to Dr. K’s Blog

This is the place where you’ll find information, wisdom and gain perspective on how to master the Hidden Powers Drivers that can shatter limitations and propel you to your greatest levels of success.

We’ll look at business, marketing, leadership, psychology, peak performance, personal growth, and mind-body health, and how it all works together to help you operate at peak performance more consistently in your business and personal life.

We’ll be providing new and expanded insights and strategies to help you see through the lens of your True Power State and reach your next levels of impact and success.

Teaching People to Master Their Power Drivers with a Book

I was recently interviewed by Rob Kosberg on Publish. Promote. Profit. It was a great experience! We talked about how to operate at peak performance by accessing your power drivers. Here are just a few of the topics we covered: What Power drivers are and how they determine our state and what we create. How the paradox of Resistance can either hold you back or catapult you to unimagined success. How willingness is a better contributor to success than willpower. How to navigate the landmines associated with becoming an adoptive parent. How writing a book, and knowing how to use it, can be a game-changer for yourself and your career. You can also listen to the interview on: iTunes,  Spotify,  Stitcher, TuneIn, GooglePlay, C-Suite Radio, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music and YouTube If you enjoyed it, please do me a favor and leave a comment below, and follow me on [...]

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The Kazlow Method for High Achievers

Listen to this illuminating Sharkpreneur episode with Dr. Fern Kazlow about the Kazlow Method for high achievers. Here are some of the beneficial topics covered on this week’s show:

• How joining psychology and marketing helps businesses reach peak performance.
• How high achievers use obstacles and challenges to their advantage.
• How peak performers act in a way that gets them to a certain point but then they stop.
• Why people try to make something that is good in a way that is ineffective.
• Why business owners need to shape their mind, energy field, body and business. [...]

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Coaching the Client in Front of You with Dr. K.

Dr. Fern Kazlow talks to host Mandi Ellefson about innovative ways to scale your business and the importance of choosing a mentor that fits your current business needs. Dr. K is a clinical psychotherapist, a business strategist and a mentor who works with entrepreneurs, actors and highly driven people. While, most mentors teach you that being a high performer means you need to push harder and use willpower. But Dr. K. teaches paradox resistance, which means what got entrepreneurs to a very high level may now work against them and hold them back from greater achievements. Instead of pushing against what feels good – it is important to learn to work with it, harness it and navigate it, because the gold is in the resistance.

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Dr. Fern Kazlow on the Psychology of the 1% and the Life-Changing Magic of Not Fitting In

There's no one right way to be an entrepreneur. This is a fact that Dr. Fern Kazlow is very aware of. And while there is no cure-all for entrepreneurial struggles, there is at least some things you can do that this doctor recommends. Some of the treatments she prescribes include mentorship, thought processes, and understanding the beauty of resistance.

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How I Almost Got Arrested and Learned Even More About Being Stuck

I was involved in a fender bender. Well, not exactly a fender bender but a side door scraper. Everyone was OK. And, mostly, everyone was kind. An officer came quickly to document the incident and see if we needed assistance. I drive a lot and I’ve been blessed that I’ve been involved in only a few minor accidents over many years of being on the roads in the US, Europe, and the terrifying roads of Vietnam. But, this time, I didn’t have my insurance card in my car.

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Beware the Ides of March

March has been a challenging month here. We've had four Nor’easters, no power for 9 days, and no internet for 14 days. We finally got power back. Yay! This month’s events really spoke to me about taking control when we can, and when things are clearly out of our control, as in the weather, controlling how we respond to them. [...]

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