Welcome to Dr. K’s Blog
This is the place where you’ll find information, wisdom and gain perspective on how to master the Hidden Powers Drivers that can shatter limitations and propel you to your greatest levels of success.
We’ll look at business, marketing, leadership, psychology, peak performance, personal growth, and mind-body health, and how it all works together to help you operate at peak performance more consistently in your business and personal life.
We’ll be providing new and expanded insights and strategies to help you see through the lens of your True Power State and reach your next levels of impact and success.
Making Changes In (No) Time
Our beliefs about change itself, affect the speed and nature of the process we’ll experience by Dr. Fern Kazlow Pop Quiz time! Which of the following do you believe are true? It takes 21 days to break a habit. How long it takes to change depends upon your motivation. You need willpower. Change is painful. The longer you have a problem, the longer it takes to change it. It is harder to change an emotional than a physical problem. It is harder to change a physical than an emotional problem. Fear motivates you to change. The harder you work at changing or overcoming your problem, the more success you’ll have. It takes one month of natural healing for each year you have had a problem. Whether you believe change happens quickly or slowly, frequently or rarely, you usually find out that you are absolutely right! That is: what you believe [...]
Follow Your Passion and Wealth Will Follow
Pipe Dream or Reality? by Dr. Fern Kazlow It could be either one. It depends on how well you identify your passion, how what you want to do intersects with the demands and needs of the marketplace, and how well you follow through on creating your dream. Most successful people are clear that having a good mentor has a huge affect on how successful you are and how long it takes you to get there. The right mentor can literally shave years off your learning curve. In The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, author Lois J. Zachary offers a vivid context for mentoring: "Ecologists tell us that a tree planted in a clearing of an old forest will grow more successfully than one planted in an open field. The reason, it seems, is that the roots of the forest tree are able to follow the intricate pathways created by former [...]
Everybody Does the Best They Can – Always
Everyone does the best they can – always! This is probably the most difficult-to-swallow concept I teach in my workshops yet it’s the one that can change your world immediately. This attitude changes the way you experience the world, the way your life feels, even who you are. People who believe that “everyone does the best they can” tend to have an easier, more relaxed life. People who don’t believe it feel more negative, stuck, angry, frustrated and even hopeless. The good news is: even if you don’t believe everyone does their best, adopting this stance, even opening to the possibility that it is true, changes things for the better — immediately. Let's see how this might work for you. Think of something someone has done that upsets you, something you think they “shouldn’t have done”—perhaps your colleague has taken credit for a project you did together, your child cut [...]
Protecting Your Branding in the Changing Economy
5 Essential Questions You Need to Ask to Evaluate Your Branding in the Changing Economy I was listening to a business channel the other day when one of the pundits made the comment that “a paid mortgage is now the new BMW.” Interesting how perceptions change! And interesting all the more since I had just finished a conversation with a client who was worried about how the changing economy was creating conflicts in his branding and what could he do about it. The one constant that your branding should have – no matter what the economy – is that you’re on top of your game. How do you achieve that? By not only positioning your branding but backing that positioning with energetic support. Look at the difference in the messages being sent in the examples below: You’re making cut backs because you’re keeping your business ‘lean and mean’ vs. you’re [...]
Spamming the Twitterverse: Why Perfectly Nice People Go Bad
There’s an issue that’s been coming up lately. Not only did it come up on a radio show I was doing the other day, but this is turning into the proverbial “if I had a dollar for everyone who asked me this, I’d be writing this from the Bahamas” issue. Twitter users are fed up with the auto responses they’re being deluged with from people they’ve just met. And, frankly, I am too. And the question I’m being asked is “Why are they doing this?” So, here’s the skinny on the why: Even though a site like Twitter may be the closest thing to a face-to-face contact on the internet, the interaction still lacks a physical presence. No eye contact. No voice. No body language. For a lot of people, that lack of a body puts a dent in or actually removes their social etiquette. (I didn’t say it was [...]
How to Damage Your Brand and Kill Your Business without Trying
Auto-DMs. They’re driving people on Twitter over the edge. I’ve had so many people ask me why would any rational human being, when after first meeting someone on Twitter, spam them with auto-responses when they would never act that way in person. And although I’ve tackled that question in my Spamming the Twitterverse article, I’ll offer a brief summary here because it’s important to the gist of that blog. Communicating via computer – even when it’s social media – removes our physical presence. For many people, the absence of an in-person connection relaxes or removes our usual social strictures. When you mix in the current economy, bad business advice, and the hype from media and sales programs (Overnight Millionaire – Make Money While You Sleep!), the boundaries are removed even more, especially for people who are feeling financially desperate. And when you add tactics that promise huge numbers of followers [...]